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Forbes defines Gen Z as those born between 1995 and 2010. They, like many others are writing about who we are right now and who we will be. Right now, they know we have a buying power of 44 billion dollars and influence up to 600 billion dollars being spent by our families. It makes sense they’re talking about us. On this site WE are talking about US. We are teen investors and savers. Knowing the financial power we have what are we doing? What are our goals? And where does Forbes and all the other businesses making observations about us get it wrong? Here is our response.

1. Gen Z is Motivated by Security.

Gen Z was born at one of the worst financial times the world has ever seen. We watched our parents struggle and are growing up with an awareness and a knowledge that we need to be prepared. Forbes was correct on that, but they were wrong on something else. Our ultimate motivation is not making sure we have a secure life over making a difference. We just know having that security gives us the power to make a difference. Not only did we grow up watching our parents struggle, we have also grown up seeing divided views and finger pointing. We need to prepare ourselves to have the security to bring a solution and implement it. To have conversation and bring about change.

2. Gen Z May be More Competitive.

Wrong! Let’s be real. We have grown up seeing people say they’re all about teamwork and being nothing but divided. Gen Z is not competitive. We just want to flourish in our diversity and Be open to communication rather than a team mentality. Teams, by definition, are competitive. We would rather judge people, not by how good their team is, but by how good they are. And we would like the same.

3. Gen Z wants Independence

Right! Who doesn’t? We don’t want to be looked at based on where we grew up, our color, sexual orientation, gender, or any other reason other than who we are as an individual. Judge us on our merits and nothing else. Unlike generations before us we aren’t defined by any of that and are fine with not making that a discussion to be had. Let us all be independently different.

4. Gen Z will Multitask (more than anyone)

Right. We FaceTime or Duo while doing homework and have never known anything different. We don’t understand how our parents can’t keep up a conversation with us while texting any more than they can understand that we can. It’s how we were programmed. We are digital natives.

5. Gen Z is More Entrepreneurial

Right! Starting a business is hard work and being your own boss. It’s also being able to treat employees how they should be.

6. Gen Z Wants to Communicate Face to Face.

Right! We don’t text. We don’t sit on the phone. We don’t email. We duo and face time until we can communicate with you in person.

7. Gen Z are True Digital Natives

The older people see this. For us, it’s all there is.

8. Gen Z Wants to Be Catered to

Wrong! If we are talking workplace, we are still new to it. We don’t need to be catered to. That’s for generations before us. We just want to stand on our own merit. We do not want to be put into a generalization about people born at a certain time. If we are talking consumerism, definitely. We don’t need to buy your product. We have multiple devices in our hands that can show us a better product and we have buying power. Forbes talks about Bruno Mars coming to work events. That’s millennial stuff. See number 9.

9. We Don’t Care About Celebrity Status

All of us grew up at a time when you can be YouTube famous. We don’t care about influencers. A celebrity isn’t going to decide an election for us. We can’t stand divide and have no idea why people can’t just talk. We are okay with not agreeing on things and can still be friends. We are all people and we are all different. We learn history and understand it. At the same time, we don’t understand why certain things are issues. Mostly, because for us, they’re non issues. We are Gen Z and we are coming.

You don’t see a lot about kids like us who are determined to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes our parents made and you definitely don’t see kids who are learning about money and sharing their knowledge about where to begin. That’s what this site is about. People who aren’t us are writing about us because they know what power we have. We don’t want to read about what they say we are, we want to show them who we are. We are teen investors, kids saving money, child philanthropists. We are the future, and the future looks bright.