A 13 Year Old’s View on Finances.

Hi, I’m Bogsworth and I was asked to sit down and really think about my financial goals.

I feel it’s important to have financial goals in life, especially as a teenager. You should be trying to think about how you are going to pay for college, your first car, and eventually, your home. You should even be thinking about how you will provide for your children if you choose to have them. Here are some of my goals.

I want to go to college for teaching, history to be specific. It will cost about thirty two thousand dollars annually for my schooling. I intend to have no student loans. I can achieve that goal by saving money now. By putting $3 away every day for a year, I will have $1095. Imagine if you do this for 8 years. You’ll have $8760! Instead of buying that candy bar, save for college!

Other goals I have are to save for a car and a house. My sister and I plan to rent an apartment together after high school. That will cut the cost in half. By getting a job at 16, you’ll be making an income, and part of that can go to your car and house.

I also want to be able to provide for my children, afford a 4 bedroom house in a nice neighborhood, and not have to worry about money.

I hope this helped you form or review your own financial goals. Stay tuned for the next post!